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Fight to Protect Our Traditional Family Values

Families are the bedrock of this nation. The nuclear family is the greatest and most successful form of self-governance known to mankind. I will always legislate with a pro-family mindset.

Protect the Unborn

As a father of five, I know first-hand some of the difficult tests of faith that can happen during pregnancy. When my wife, Lila, and I were told that our quadruplets were a high-risk pregnancy and that certain dangers existed in potentially carrying all of our children to full-term, we were advised to make a choice. We knew, based on our steadfast belief in the sanctity of life and our unborn children’s God-given right to exist, that the only option was for us to carry all of our children to full-term. Defending life is not simply a policy position to me; it is an integral part of our family, and you can count on me to continue to defend life in Richmond, just as Lila and I did for our own children nearly two decades ago.

Work to Cut Taxes on Hard Working Virginians

More freedom, fewer taxes. I believe the government should protect your financial freedom by taking in fewer of your hard-earned dollars. In Richmond, I do everything I can to make sure the General Assembly does not spend more taxpayer money than necessary to support core government services. I will always look for ways to reduce spending and lower the tax burden for our families, farmers, and businesses.

Protect the Second Amendment

I am a staunch defender of our right to bear arms and have the voting record to prove it.  As your State Senator, I took an oath to defend both the Virginia Constitution and the Constitution of the United States, and the brilliant authors of these documents knew the natural right of the people to bear arms was so essential to liberty that it must be constitutionally protected. As your voice in Richmond, I will continue to protect all of our constitutional rights, including the right to bear arms.

Fight Against Overly Burdensome Regulations

We can all agree that certain regulations are necessary, but government bureaucrats have gone too far. I have and will continue to introduce bills that remove unnecessary government regulations, which are nothing more than a burden on our farmers and small business owners. These regulations increase the cost of doing business and ultimately hurt the workingman, who sees lower wages or, worse, fewer jobs. I will continue working with my colleagues in the Senate and House of Delegates in identifying regulations we can roll back. Please contact us if you have a particular regulation you think should be rolled back.

Support Law Enforcement and Police Safety

We have to fully support our Law Enforcement so they are well-equipped to protect our communities. We must fight radical Democrats who think Law Enforcement officers are the problem and not part of the solution. I will continue to stand by those who protect and serve, ensuring they have the resources and support they deserve.

Embrace Nuclear, Fossil Fuels, and Renewables

Virginia's energy policies are critical to our economic health. Our Commonwealth is best served by an all-of-the-above energy policy that embraces nuclear energy, fossil fuels, and renewables. Having the most reliable and affordable energy requires these three types of energy in Virginia. The Virginia Clean Economy Act passed by Democrats in 2020 is leading to disastrous energy policies, leaving us in the precarious position of having a large gap between energy supply and demand.


Right here in Senate District 8, we are fortunate to be home to two Nuclear companies: Framatome and BWXT.

The Issues

When I was running for this seat, I was often asked, “What is your legislative agenda? What laws would you like to get passed?” My response was always the same: I’m not running to pass more laws. I want to get laws off the books. We need More Freedom, Less Government. More Freedom, Less Government is the message I was elected on, and it’s exactly how I approach every vote that comes before the Senate of Virginia. Below are some key policy positions that constituents ask about most often. If your policy concern is not addressed here but you would like to know about my position, please contact my office.

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